S.P.E.C.I.E.S. The orchid Society for the Preservation, Enjoyment, & Cultivation of Indigenous and Exotic Species.
Orchid SPECIES NSW Society Inc strives to attract everyone interested in orchid species from the novice to the experienced taxonomist.
We have a guest speaker at each of our monthly meetings, usually featuring a particular type of orchid, or orchids from a specific geographic area of the world. A strong plant sales table operates at meetings and mini auctions are held from time to time to allow members or visitors to acquire rarer plants. An amazing variety of species orchids are benched in the monthly point score competition. Orchids that are sometimes never seen elsewhere. Plant of the night receives a small prize and there is a raffle and lucky door prizes. Meetings feature discussions on orchid culture and a plant description from the wide range of plants benched.
We have many talented growers and guest speakers within our Society to assist in the education of all orchid growers.
Why not come along and join us one night as a visitor? You will always be welcome.